I’ts All About the O.

Wow! Wendy Williams on Dancing with the Stars? That show’s not what you’d call edgy, so when I read that the former lead singer of The Plasmatics and co-star of Reform School Girls was one of the cast members it was… surprising!

Then I actually took a second to read the story.

They were not talking about Wendy O. Williams, chainsaw wielding punk rock legend, but Wendy Williams, who — best as I can tell — is a talk show host that rose to fame on the radio and “gained notoriety for her on-air spats with celebrities.”

The tiniest bit of fact checking also revealed that Wendy O. Williams has been dead since 1998, so appearing on Dancing with the Stars would be a real trick, if not some sort of miracle.

Here she is with The Plasmatics performing their international smash hit, Butcher Baby:


8 thoughts on “I’ts All About the O.

  1. Actually saw The Plasmatics at the famed Albany club JB Scotts.
    You know how you look back on a show you saw 25 or 30 years ago and say, “That’s pretty tame compared to today,” ?

    You CAN NOT say that about The Plasmatics…

  2. Wasn’t she in the between-song-promos on early MTV? My dad used to walk into the den to see what the racket was, see the chick with the chainsaw, quietly shake his head, walk out. On the other hand, he and my mom saw ‘Animal House’, and pronounced it ‘a documentary on college life at Trinity’.

  3. Rob- they chainsawed a guitar and guitarist Richie Stotts- what a great name- banged his guitar against his head until it bled..his head, not the guitar.. oh, yeah he wore a pink Mohawk and matching tutu… Wendy wore ripped fishnets and electrical tape.

    By the way- if you or your readers haven’t seen the classic Reform Schools Girls featuring the aforementioned Ms. Williams, it’s well worth the watch for the following witty dialogue.

    Matron( to Wendy): You’re sentenced is doubled !
    Wendy: So are your chins !

    Hey,it’s no Quint’s monologue from Jaws, but I like it…

  4. Wild stuff. But the Who were way ahead of them. I saw them smash up all their equipment on stage in 1966. It was a life-altering experience.

    1. That’s interesting, Mickey.

      When The Who did that, it was completely, absolutely new and original — something nobody had ever even imagined before. What could possibly rise to that level today?

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