Bathroom Habits of the North American Mysophobe

How many of you use nifty tricks to avoid coming into contact with anything in the men’s room?

Not that I have a problem touching filthy, germ covered objects in a place where guys have been handling their privates and wiping themselves with flimsy paper. No, that doesn’t bother me at all — this is just purely hypothetical.

This video I produced demonstrates both the One Elbow Urinal Tap and the ever-popular Foot Flush.


If you are especially limber, you might try a Foot Flush on the urinal, but remember: if you fall in the men’s room you’ll need to burn your clothes.

Anyway, you should never touch those things with your hands, except at home. Well, you probably don’t have a urinal at home, unless you are Matt Baumgartner.

One more thing: always exercise caution when shooting video in public bathrooms. A little common sense goes a long way.

12 thoughts on “Bathroom Habits of the North American Mysophobe

  1. One more thing: always exercise caution when shooting video in public bathrooms. A little common sense goes a long way.

    Might be the funniest thing you ever written

  2. I’m lucky enough to have motion sensors on the urinal, so don’t have to worry about the elbow, which I still find icky.

    Thank and God bless you for posting this. You are doing a great service to your nation.

    Know what? You’re a patriot.

  3. I hate where they put the toilet paper dispensers in the women’s bathroom. It is too low to the ground and it is this big plastic container type of thing and you have to stick your hand up into it and get the paper. You almost fall over getting it out. Do the think that people are going to steal it? Is that why they make them that way? I should just bring my own. Is it like that in the men’s bathroom too?

  4. I always use the paper towel from drying my hands to grab the door handle on the way out too. Drives me crazy when they make the bathroom “green” without any paper towels – just those air dry gizmos. You have to try to pick a spot on the handle that was least likely to have been touched by the slobs that don’t wash their hands!

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