Dude, Can This Really Be a Coincidence?

Luke 4:20
And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.

There. Now you know how this whole “420” thing got started, man.

7 thoughts on “Dude, Can This Really Be a Coincidence?

  1. Luke 4:18
    18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
    He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
    to set the oppressed free,

    Fifth line. First reference to glaucoma treatment ?

  2. Wrong, wrong, wrong, man. Dude, like, everyone knows 4:20PM is the time of day the original members of the Grateful Dead would start to jam in their garage as kids. And, like, all the neighborhood kids would come to catch the vibe and pass around some… *Cough* copies of Luke 4:20.

  3. Also, clear scriptural instruction on how to avoid being hassled by the man . . .

    Judges 4:20 (New International Version) “Stand in the doorway of the tent,” he told her. “If someone comes by and asks you, ‘Is anyone in there?’ say ‘No.’”

  4. Acts 4:20 (after the Phish concert at Phillipi) . . . “We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard!!!”

  5. When I was in 10th grade I went to a very fundamentalist Baptist school. We had chapel every morning, and each day a student would do a 10 minute teaching on some piece of scripture that they found meaningful. When my turn came, I used my 10 minutes to explain all of the scriptures in the Bible that I believed supported the recreational use of marijuana as an important part of the Christian lifestyle. I was never asked to speak at chapel again.

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