Stems ‘n’ Seeds

The internet looks huge, but it’s really like a small town where everybody hears everything you say. For example, TU reporter Jordan Carleo-Evangelist titled a post on his Homers baseball blog Sometimes, A.J. Burnett makes me want to punch a kitten. He wrote that he was just joking, but that didn’t stop Baltimore Sun blogger Jill Rosen from letting him have it:

The blogger might think it’s a funny phrase — but he felt the need to clarify himself so I’m guessing he was at least a little concerned that someone would take him literally. He would never have said the baseball player makes him want to punch a baby, or his wife, or a first grade teacher.

Ouch! Should have called the post Sometimes, A.J. Burnett makes me want to punch A-Rod. Nobody would care about that.

Bloggers look out for one another and that’s what I love about being part of the TU community. Blogger extraordinaire Kristi Gustafson tweeted yesterday:

Who knew there was actually something called the World Toilet Association. @rmadeo, shouldnt you be ALL over that?

She knows me too well. It’s easy to find stuff about the World Toilet Organization, a group that advocates proper sanitation throughout the world, but turns out information about the World Toilet Association is elusive — and searches mostly lead you to pictures of a toilet shaped house. If you sell that place how many bathrooms do you list?

It’s a real art to seamlessly work in a client plug, but Talk 1300’s Paul Vandenburgh is clearly the master. This morning while mentioning the wake for Army Spc. Benjamin D. Osborn, Vandenburgh managed to point out that it’s being held at a Scott and Barbieri Funeral Home, one of his sponsors. Wow. Nice touch.

21 thoughts on “Stems ‘n’ Seeds

  1. If you ask me ,punching a first grade teacher is waaay funnier than punching a kitten.
    How about these?
    Makes me want to:
    Kick a nun…
    Slap a crossing guard…
    Take off my clothes at the mall and run screaming “Helter Skelter”…
    or my favorite: Makes me want to try and eat my own face.
    feel free to use any of these, but don’t complain when the innerweb runs with it calling you a sociopath.

  2. In her post, Jill Rosen says she has a Google alert set up for the word “kitten.” Her inbox must be very full.

  3. Chris: Kittens on the internet?!? No way…

    Tony: I’m all for a big sloppy make-up kiss.

    But seriously, what can you say about somebody who uses the death of a soldier as an excuse to mention his sponsor? That’s sort of revolting.

  4. It’s more than “sort of” revolting. But what do we know? We’re talentless hacks.

    Know what’s funny about that other thing? Sometimes kittens make me want to punch AJ Burnett. WHERE’S THE BLOG POST JILL WHERE’S THE BLOG POST MAKE ME FAMOUS

  5. As much as I get irritated by some of Paul’s words I have to ask if actually he said that the funeral home was a sponsor of his station.

    God forbid I come to Vandenburgh’s defense, but I do want to clarify that particular point.

  6. Chip: What he said — and I’m paraphrasing here within the italics — is that Spc. Osborn is being waked at one of the Scott and Barbieri Funeral Homes, Regan and Denny.

  7. Gotcha.

    Paul is a sly one, isn’t he.

    Oh Paulie, not cool. Looking for mileage off the sacrifice of one of our brave youth is so not cool.

  8. Von Hindenburgh is a gasbag whose obsession with his own importance knows no bounds. Nothing is too tasteless for him, just as it is for the other night creatures prowling the talk-radio circuit.

  9. If Vandenburgh did not announce what funeral home the service was being held at how many phone calls would you get asking for more information.

    I think you are grabbing for straws on this one. I am sure it was not an intentional grab for more air time for a sponsor

  10. gs draiss: Then he should have just mentioned the name of the place, Regan and Denny, not who owns it (his sponsor). In the context it was done, it was really tacky.

  11. @3 Chris – you stop using euphemisms for “kitten” and “inbox” and you post is equally true, but much funnier.

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